Shreking McDonalds

I was ordering food at McDonald's, because I am a fat little American shit.
"One Big Mac.", I say. "Hold the onions."
I soon realize my mistake, but it's too late.
The room fills with the smell of...onions, and I start to smile.
I hear a thundering crash on the roof. Shrek has come.
He crashes down through the roof.
"That's a sin, laddie.", he whispers in my ear. My smile quickly turns into a frown.
He pulls his and my pants down, revealing a large ogre Eshrektion.
It's twice as long as my arm, and twice as


He shoves it up my asshole, and starts raping me with everything he's got.
"Stop, Shrek. Please.", I say. Tears well up in my eyes as my anus starts bleeding rapidly.
Suddenly, his ogre cock shoots out of my mouth, stretching and tearing the skin at the lips.
His penis comes out of my mouth while cumming in my mouth.
He cums all over a resturant manager.'
He is a fireman, and I am his firehose.
Finally, he finishes, and pulls out.
He pulls his pants up, gives me an onion.
I pretend to chew it, but then spit it out.
He turns around, an angry grimace on his face, and pulls his pants down again.
"I hope you're ready for round two, laddeh.", he says in a very quiet voice.
The Fucking End